“The storefront is the business card of any store,” the specialists tell us. However, there are still enough traders who do not emphasize the appearance of their store. Showcases, regardless of the type or size of the commercial premises, their street location or malls, are designed to capture the attention of passers-by, to suggest the store’s profile and, most importantly, to present distinct elements for competition.

clothing store designAlthough a storefront with an attractive design, adapted to the activity field, is a real marketing tool, many times the owners arrange their shops and, by default, showcases, according to their own experience and preferences, which do not always respond to the trends general or the wishes of buyers.

clothing store

storefront clothing storeAn attractive and original storefront is a showcase that can not be overlooked, making it possible for potential customers to memorize the store’s name and retain its location. Sometimes it is very possible to stop them and make them enter inside by curiosity. Or if they do not, then they will certainly come back on the first occasion. Does this mean, after all, a higher profit at the end of the month, right? The facades of the shops and their general appearance are therefore the place where the most effective local marketing strategy and the best advertising of marketed products can be made, important ways to increase sales, through the link between image and emotion, between need and desire, between product and buyer. Only when the passer-by enter the store or wishes to have the product presented, the display case has an attractive and interesting design for others.

Thus, a storefront has to be distinguished by its elegance and simplicity of good taste – some attractive, well-presented products, arranged as aesthetically as possible, or a main decorative element of accent – still an integral part of the overall visibility of the area.

storefront clothing storeWhen setting up a shop window it would be advisable to take into account, first of all, its profile and the typology of the client to whom it is addressed. If we are talking about a luxury store, for example, displaying the price in the showcase is not very appropriate, because in many cases customers entering such stores are loyal customers who are not interested in, first of all, the price of products, but their quality, design, etc. Instead, in the case of a grocery store, it would be advisable to offer visible and attractive offers for certain products so that the buyer is determined to enter and make all the purchases there. For clothing or footwear stores, the more elaborate the display cases, the more original they are, the more appealing to potential customers, the very important aspect in the context of very high competition in this area of ​​activity. The chosen lighting and decorations, the dummies or the exposed furniture, the chrome, the textures and every detail used in the proposed theme for displaying showcases, all this set of design tools will make the difference between the identity of your store and the competition.

storefront designThat’s why our recommendation is that the decoration and arrangement of commercial spaces be left to the hands of those who do so constantly, designers and architects who can bring value to the investment and make your store a unique place, and naturally attracts customers through the created environment and the mode of exposure chosen.

clothing store design