A wonderful and well-kept garden from spring to autumn is the dream of any gardener. However, no one wants to spend a lot of time in the garden, especially now, when the time seems to be no longer sufficient for all daily activities, which is why we are looking for the most advantageous solutions to have a beautiful garden, but easy to maintain. The solution is to make the right choices when it comes to designing our garden.

garden decor

To make such a garden, which will give us as little headaches as possible, we must first clear the soil of the existing roots and weeds, by total herbicide, to prevent contamination of the plantations we will execute for landscaping. Also, in the initial fight to combat harmful plants, we can help ourselves with the sheets and membranes of the antiburuian textiles, which allow a controlled and ordered planting of the chosen dendrological material. Between plants, the foil can be covered with wood mulch of different colors, very aesthetically attractive. Another more expensive option, but also more resistant over time, is the use of decorative grains of varied granulation, oval or in the corners, with rich chromatic, depending on the material from which it is processed (marble, granite, river stone, etc.). Using such planting procedures we will obtain not only a garden without weeds, but also an exterior layout with a pleasant design.

irrigation system

Another very important aspect, which we must take into account from the initial stage of the garden configuration and which will make our life much more beautiful, is the creation of an automatic irrigation system, adapted to each area of ​​vegetation with sprinklers with height, radius and opening adjustable or with drip hoses. Regardless of our work schedule, lack of time or availability, the garden will receive its daily supply of water to meet us always cheerful and colorful.

irrigation system

And if we keep mentioning this aspect, for a colorful and dynamic decoration throughout the year it is recommended to choose perennial plants with a variety of colors, either through leaves or flowers that bloom in different periods, thus ensuring that we will have a beautiful garden in all seasons. Why perennial plants in particular? Because, once planted, they will enjoy us year after year, with no need for further planting than to replace the sick or dead.


Bulbs (poppies, tulips, smiles, daffodils, muscari) will delight us immediately after melting the last snow, decorative grasses and a variety of field and garden flowers (cauldrons, poppies, peonies, irises, daisies, chrysanthemums), aromatic and medicinal plants (peppermint, thyme, sage, rat’s tail, lavender), decorative shrubs, with or without flowers, of different heights (hydrangeas, azaleas, weigela, magnolias, bumblebee, forsiti). Also perennial are most climbing plants (wisteria, honeysuckle, wild vine, ivy, clematis), as well as roses or conifers, which require a minimum of weekly care, except for the early spring, when the entire garden will need to work. exit from winter.


The examples can  continue, the great diversity of perennial varieties allowing the most original arrangement of our gardens only with plants that we have years in a row, without needing their annual replanting. Regarding the categories of perennial plants we choose, it is important to study the natural characteristics of the environment in our garden: soil, humidity, shading periods versus areas with permanent sun, wind direction and intensity, etc. Depending on the information we gather, choosing the dendrological material most appropriate to the existing conditions will be easier, our initial investment being protected in the long run. As much as we would like a certain plant in the garden, if we cannot naturally provide the environmental conditions it needs for its good development, our recommendation is to opt for the most aesthetically similar perennial plant, but appropriate to the environment in our yard.


The areas covered by lawn, rolls or sowing should not be overlooked, the green carpet on which our feet will always feel pampered in the hot season, but whose lust we will enjoy even in the cold season, the lawn keeping its color throughout the year. Although it seems difficult to maintain, the operations necessary to maintain the lawn in good condition are relatively simple to carry out ourselves, in the absence of time, for this there are a lot of specialized companies. The periodicity of the clippers is, in certain periods, of maximum once a week, the spring being necessary some additional operations, after the exit of the cold season (scarification, cleaning of weeds, roots, additional herbicide and fertilization).

perennial plants

A balanced and harmonious alternation in the arrangement of the garden between the areas with lawn, terraces and alleys with paving, gravel or tiles, and the layers ordered with trees, shrubs and perennial flowers, in combination with deciduous trees and conifers, is the perfect recipe for the garden that we have we want: vibrant and colorful all year round, dynamic and energetic, functional and efficient. There are many so-called “tricks” that can help us to have the much-desired garden, without investing much time in its daily care. We hope that the information in this article has helped you to turn your yard into a true oasis of peace and relaxation. For more information on landscaping, check out our blog section, Outdoor Design.
Our final tip – “Less is more”! 😉